Revised September 2002
We, the membership of the Illinois Council of Skin & SCUBA Divers, deeming it necessary and proper to promote safety, sportsmanship, fellowship, conservation, competition, enjoyment, instruction and exploration in all areas of Skin and SCUBA Diving, do hereby establish this Constitution.
The name of this organization shall be known as the Illinois Council of Skin & SCUBA Divers, Inc., hereinafter known and referred to as ICSSD.
The ICSSD is a statewide coalition of Skin and SCUBA diving clubs and individuals with interests in the sport of skin and/or SCUBA diving or interest in the prudent preservation and conservation of our marine environment.
The ICSSD serves three important functions:
Information Resource: ICSSD acts as a centralized information and program resource for its members. Speakers, programs, diving activities and special events are all readily accessible to its members.
Community Leader: ICSSD’s members are deeply involved in and committed to the various communities in which they are located. Through special family and community oriented outings, ICSSD serves to promote the preservation and maintenance of the underwater environment.
Political Spokesman: ICSSD serves as a spokesman representing the views of the many divers who belong to ICSSD and their clubs. Through its combined membership forces, ICSSD can act as a genuine influence in the promotion of favorable Federal, State and Local legislation.
In addition, ICSSD can provide support or opposition to legislation our members believe directly affects them and the sport of skin and SCUBA diving or the prudent preservation and conservation of our marine environment.
As ICSSD continues to grow, it also continues to work diligently to promote the sport of diving and to enhance the enjoyment of those who practice it.
The quorum necessary to hold general membership meetings shall consist of at least one representative of eight (8) member clubs or at least one representative from each of one-third (1/3) of the member clubs, whichever is smaller.
Regular meetings shall be held at least quarterly. Executive Board meetings shall be held at least quarterly. The locations shall be determined periodically by the ICSSD at least two months (60 days) in advance.
Special meetings shall be called by the President or on the request of five (5) member clubs or by order of the ICSSD at any regular meeting or by special written notice at least fifteen (15) days prior to special meeting date. A special meeting shall not transact any business other than that specified in the call.
Meetings of the ICSSD shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order except where specific exceptions have been denoted in the Constitution or By-Laws.
Club membership is open to any not for-profit Skin and SCUBA Diving Club consisting of at least three (3) members.
Membership shall be conferred upon a new club upon the presentation of that club’s Constitution, membership roster, officer and delegate list and annual dues by their representative and the acceptance of same by the ICSSD at a regular meeting.
A member club is divested of membership for failure to pay dues sixty (60) days after such dues become payable.
Individual membership is open to persons not affiliated with an ICSSD recognized skin and SCUBA diving club. An individual member, however, shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold any office or At-Large Delegate position with the ICSSD.
Honorary membership may be granted to persons with an active interest in the ICSSD. Such membership shall be conferred by a majority vote at a regular meeting after 1) recommendation by an officer and 2) publication in the monthly newsletter preceding the vote.
There shall be seven (7) elective officers of the ICSSD who shall constitute the Executive Board, namely:
The President, who shall preside at all meetings, enforce due observation of the Constitution and By-Laws, see that all officers and committees perform their respective duties, make all committee appointments and co-sign all contracts;
The Executive Vice President, who shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, serve as the representative of the Executive Board at all functions, at the direction of the President, coordinate the activities of the standing committees, and serve as over-all chair person and coordinator of all annual and special events;
The Vice President, who shall assist the President and the Executive Vice President and, shall chair the ICSSD meeting in the absence of the President and Executive Vice President;
The Secretary, who shall keep permanent records of all meetings, carry on all official correspondence, co-sign all contracts and keep the official, up to-date roster of members, delegates and alternate delegates;
The Treasurer, who shall be responsible for keeping and maintaining the accounts, books and financial records of the organization; in addition, the treasurer shall be responsible for preparing monthly and annual financial reports of the ICSSD, maintaining an inventory of all ICSSD property, and assisting the Finance Committee in its preparation of the annual budget of the ICSSD. The treasurer’s monthly report will be written, and will include all receipts and disbursements during the previous month, along with beginning and ending account balances. A copy of this report will be given to each board member, and other copies shall be available for those in attendance at the monthly meeting.
Two (2) At-Large Delegates, who shall attend all scheduled Executive and Council meetings, providing the membership and Executive Board with input. At Executive Board meetings, the At-Large Delegates shall discuss and vote on matters pertaining to the presentation and discussion of Council activities. In addition, At-Large Delegates shall act as ambassadors in recruiting prospective skin and SCUBA diving clubs.
All elected officers and At-Large Delegates shall be from a member club in good standing and have been Council-recognized club members for at least six (6) months prior to nomination. Individual and honorary members shall not hold any officer or At-Large delegate position.
In the event that an officer or At-Large Delegate does not perform the duties of his/her office satisfactorily, the Executive Board shall, by majority vote, remove him/her from office. The officer or delegate in question shall be invited by certified mail to attend the Board Meeting at which the question of his/her performance is to be discussed.
The term of each office shall be two (2) years. The terms of the offices of President, Vice President and one At-Large Delegate shall commence in October of odd numbered years. The terms of the offices of Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the other At-Large Delegate shall commence in October of even numbered years.
Should an office become vacant during the term of that office, a special election shall be held to fill that vacancy.
No individual shall serve more than two (2) full, consecutive terms in any one office.
Nominations for offices whose current terms are about to expire shall be opened at the regular July meeting and close at the end of the regular August meeting. Nominations for offices which have become vacant during their term shall be opened at the first regular meeting after the ICSSD learns of the vacancy.
Nominee(s) shall present a letter or verbally convey their willingness to serve if elected.
The candidate for each officer position receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner of the officer position. Voting shall be as set forth in Article Eight.
Voting for regular elections shall be held at the regular September meeting. Voting for a special election shall be held at the next regular meeting after the meeting in which the nominations are opened.
Newly elected officers shall assume office immediately after the election.
Votes shall be allocated as follows using membership counts reflected on the current club roster in possession of ICSSD:
less than 50 members: One (1) vote
50 to 100 members: Two (2) votes
101 members and above: Three (3) votes
Note: “members” refers to voting club members, not social or associate members if they do not have voting rights according to that club’s own rules.
Only member clubs having no outstanding debt to the ICSSD shall have the right to vote on any question.
Proposed amendments shall be submitted in the form of a motion, passed by a majority vote of the ICSSD.
The amendments shall then be written and sent to member clubs. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the member clubs shall ratify amendment.
By-Laws to regulate and control the ICSSD may be enacted.
Amendments of the By-Laws shall follow the procedures for amendments to the constitution set forth in Article Nine.